Solicitation of Gifts and Pledges
Policy number: 5.2
Policy section: Development and External Affairs
Revised Date: December 14, 2020
1. Definitions
Definitions of capitalized terms are set forth in Appendix A.
2. Policy Statement
- At the direction of the President, the Vice President for Development and External Affairs (“the Vice President”) and the Division of Development and External Affairs (“DEA”) will have authority for conducting and/or coordinating the solicitation of Gifts and Pledges in support of 51做厙 from Prospective Donors. This authority extends to Gifts and Pledges solicited for any university purpose, of any type, and any size. All solicitations must be approved in advance, following this policy as well as guidelines maintained within the Office of the Vice President for Development and External Affairs.
- The Vice President may authorize other University representatives to solicit Prospective Donors in support of pre-approved Funding Initiatives. This authority is revoked at such time as the scope of the Funding Initiative and/or its viability materially changes. In such cases, re-authorization by the Vice President of the relevant Funding Initiative is required, following DEA guidelines.
- The solicitation of a Prospective Donor in support of a new Funding Initiative triggers a review of the new Initiative, including but not limited to consideration of the obligation of University resources, and the necessity of other philanthropic support to ensure the Initiative’s success. If, upon review, the new Funding Initiative is approved by the Vice President, the solicitation will be authorized to go forward.
3. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Prospective Donors are solicited in a coordinated manner, and in support of the University’s highest priority Funding Initiatives.
4. Applicability
All faculty, students, staff, volunteers, and contractors are expected to comply with this policy.
5. Questions
Questions regarding this policy are to be directed to the Office of the Vice President for Development and External Affairs.
6. Department Administrative Rules, Procedures, and Guidelines
Development and External Affairs will create and maintain guidelines and procedures related to this policy.
Appendix A: Definitions
“Prospective Donor” refers to any private, non-governmental entity, including alumni/alumnae, friends, parents, foundations, corporations, associations, etc.
“Gift” refers to any item of value, given outright to the University. Gifts include cash, securities, real estate, equipment, artwork, trusts, bequests, and all other forms of asset transfers. Gifts need not be 100% tax deductible under IRS guidelines to fall within this definition.
“Pledge” refers to any Gift or portion thereof promised to be provided at a future date.
“Funding Initiative” refers to the intended University purpose for which a Gift or Pledge is solicited.
Revised: December 14, 2020
Adopted: June 1, 1994