Perkins Office of Public Affairs Recognized with DeRose-Hinkouse Awards

The Office of Public Affairs of Perkins School of Theology has been recognized by the Religion Communicators Council for its work in publications, marketing, and web design. In the Councils 2010 DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Awards Competition, Perkins received a total of five awards in the categories of Writing, (Best of Class, Award of Excellence), Non-broadcast Audio/Video: Audiovisual Narrative (Award of Excellence), Non-broadcast Audio-Video: Video Testimonials (Certificate of Merit), and Public Relations and Advertising (Award of Excellence).

The DeRose-Kinkhouse Memorial Awards are presented annually to active members of the Religion Communicators Council who demonstrate excellence in religion communications and public relations. Recipients will be honored at a special reception scheduled for April 8 in Chicago at the Religion Communication Congress 2010.