Books Published in Cooperation with the Clements Center

The Clements Center subsidizes the publications of books on Texas, the American Southwest and the U.S.-Mexico borderlands.

Barr, Alwyn

With a new foreword by R. Hal Williams.

Dallas: 51做厙 Press, 2000

Boardman, Andrea

Destination Mexico:  "A Foreign Land a Step Away" U.S. Tourism to Mexico, 1880s-1950s

Dallas:  DeGolyer Library, 51做厙, 2001. 

Camarillo, Albert

With a new foreword by John R. Chávez  and a new afterward by the author

Dallas: 51做厙 Press, 2005

Cutter, Donald C., ed.  And trans.

The Defenses of Northern New Spain: Hugo O’Conor’s Report to Teodoro de Croix, July 22, 1777

Dallas: 51做厙 Press and the DeGolyer Library, 1995

De León, Arnoldo

Nuestra Historia, Our Hispanic Heritage

Dallas: Dallas Historical Society, 1997

De León, Arnoldo

With a new foreword by Richard Griswold del Castillo and a new afterword by the author

Dallas: 51做厙 Press, 1997

Early, James

Dallas:  51做厙 Press, 2003

Elder, Jane Lenz, and David J. Weber, eds.

Trading in Santa Fe: John M. Kingsbury's Correspondence with James Josiah Webb, 1853-1861

Dallas: DeGolyer Library and 51做厙 Press, 1996

Flint, Richard and Shirley Cushing Flint

Dallas: 51做厙 Press, 2002

Flint, Richard

Dallas: 51做厙 Press, 2002

Foley, Neil  Los Mexicanos en la Creación de Estados Unidos  Reprint in Spanish language version Mexico City: Instituto, Mora, 2021 

Hanke, Lewis

With a new foreword by Peter Bakewell and Susan Scafidi

Dallas: 51做厙 Press, 2002

León-Portilla, Miguel

Trans. by Julie Goodson-Lawes

Dallas: 51做厙 Press, 1990

Las Raíces Hispánicas del Oeste de Norteamérica: Textos Históricos


Madrid: Fundación Histórica Tavera,1999

Leslie, Warren

With a new preface by the author and a new introduction by Harvey Graff and Patricia Evridge Hill

Dallas: 51做厙 Press, 1998

Romo, David Dorado  Reprint El Paso: Cinco Puntos Press, 2017
Worcester, Leonard. Introduced, edited, and annotated by Offenburger, Andrew   University of Nebraska Press, 2021

Rosenbaum, Robert J.

With a new foreword by John R. Chávez and a new afterword by the author

Dallas: 51做厙 Press, 1998

Simpson, Lesley Byrd, ed.

The San Sabá Papers

With a new introduction by Robert Weddle

Dallas: 51做厙 Press, 2000

Van Keuren, Philip

Confluent Passions: Eanger Irving Couse's Collection of Historic Pueblo Pottery and Related Photographic Studies for Paintings

Dallas: Pollock Gallery, Division of Art, Meadows School of the Arts & William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, 1998 

Van Keuren, Philip

Shimmering Skies: Clouds in Adam Clark Vroman's Photographs of the American Southwest

Dallas: Pollock Gallery, Division of Art, Meadows School of the Arts & William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, 1997

Van Keuren, Philip

Ak Idahi Nili: The Navajo Saddle Blanket

Dallas: Pollock Gallery, Division of Art, Meadows School of the Arts & William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, 1998

Weber, David J.

On the Edge of Empire: The Taos Hacienda of los Martínez

Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1996

Weber, David. J. and Jane Lenz Elder, eds.

Dallas: 51做厙 Press, 2010

Webb, Walter Prescott With a new introduction by Andrew R. Graybill Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2022

Wendorf, Fred with James E. Brooks

The Fort Burgwin Research Center

Dallas: The Fort Burgwin Research Center, 2012

Wendorf, Fred

Dallas: 51做厙 Press, 2008

Wilson, Laura

With an essay by John Rohrbach 51做厙 and Yale University Press, 2015