Suggested Reading
Blackwell, David D., and Robert Spafford, Standard Method of Test for Thermal Conductivity of Rock Using Divided Bar, Submitted to AMTS, 1982.
Blackwell, David D., and John L. Steele. Heat flow and geothermal potential of Kansas. Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin 226 (1989): 267-295.
Christensen, Nikolas I., and Walter D. Mooney. Seismic velocity structure and composition of the continental crust: A global view. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (1978–2012) 100.B6 (1995): 9761-9788.
Clauser, Christoph, and Ernst Huenges. Thermal conductivity of rocks and minerals. Rock physics & phase relations: A handbook of physical constants (1995): 105-126.
Fuchs, Sven, and Andrea Förster. Well-log based prediction of thermal conductivity of sedimentary successions: a case study from the North German Basin. Geophysical Journal International 196.1 (2014): 291-311.
Fuchs, Sven, et al. Evaluation of common mixing models for calculating bulk thermal conductivity of sedimentary rocks: correction charts and new conversion equations. Geothermics 47 (2013): 40-52.
Gilliam, T. M. and I. L. Morgan, Shale: Measurement of thermal properties. Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL/TM-10499, 1987.
Gosnold, Will, et al. EGS Potential in the Northern Midcontinent of North America. GRC Transactions 34.GRC1028671 (2010).
Goss, Ronald and Jim Combs, Thermal Conductivity Measurement and Prediction from Geophysical Well Log Parameters with Borehole Application. Proceedings: Second United Nations Symposium on the Development and Use of Geothermal Resources 2 (1975): 1019-1027.
Hyndman, R. D., and J. H. Sass. Geothermal measurements at Mount Isa, Queensland. Journal of Geophysical Research 71.2 (1966): 587-601.
Robertson, Eugene C. Thermal properties of rocks. US Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1988.
Sass, J. H., Arthur H. Lachenbruch, and Robert J. Munroe. Thermal conductivity of rocks from measurements on fragments and its application to heatflow determinations. Journal of Geophysical Research 76.14 (1971): 3391-3401.
Walsh, J. B., and E. R. Decker. Effect of pressure and saturating fluid on the thermal conductivity of compact rock. Journal of Geophysical Research 71.12 (1966): 3053-3061.
Witterholt, E. J., and M. R. Tixier. Temperature logging in injection wells. Fall Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1972.