AAMC Selection Process

The Alternative Asset Management Center (AAMC) at its core is one required academic Honors Level course. Students can take an additional Master’s Level class in either energy or hedge funds.  The AAMC curriculum is rigorous, demanding and requires a high level of academic prowess. There is no set limit on the number of students that are accepted. The quality of the applicant pool determines the number selected.


The admissions process is two-fold.  First, a student must be academically qualified to undertake the honors program (as determined by the finance department).  At the time of the admission process, the student must demonstrate that they are likely to meet the minimum academic admission standards, outlined below, and that they have completed the expected course work for a finance major.   If the applicant meets the minimum academic expectations, they will move to the second phase of selection.  The second phase of the selection process consists of typically 5-8 interviews.  At least one of those interviews will be with a finance professor, and the other interviews will be done by alumni of the program.   


The Selection Committee recognizes that the selection process is noisy, and we urge applicants not to read too much into the selection decision. Admission or denial to the AAMC is not a selection of winners and losers for future finance jobs. The Committee endeavors to admit students who will thrive in a fast-paced and demanding academic program.

Absolute Minimum Academic Requirements, as determined by the Finance Department.  These are checked before the Alts class begins, and cannot be waived, except for a medical issue.

  • Open only to Finance Majors, though other majors may apply, but if accepted they must change majors.
  • 3.70 Overall 51做厙 GPA
  • 3.7 Finance GPA
  • 3.5 Accounting GPA
  • Sophomores must be on track to meet minimum academic requirements listed    above, but can have a 3.6 GPA to receive an interview.
  • Juniors applying must have completed Intermediate Accounting 1 before Alts class.
  • Transfer students must have one semester of grades at 51做厙 to apply.